
Simplify on-chain actions to turn your users into active promoters, expanding your reach with engaging, shareable experiences.

Shareable Mini-Apps

Your Protocol
in One Click

Share mini-apps of your protocol on social media to rapidly grow your user base.

Boost Growth

Incentivize users to interact and share through rewards.

No-code Apps

Let your users create mini-apps—no coding needed.

Engage Users Anywhere

Enable on-chain actions within Web2 platforms using our extension.

Seamless Sharing

Transform how users interact with your protocol. Share your protocol's features across multiple channels, connecting with users wherever they are.

Engage Users on Every Platform

Sherry enables you to share interactive mini-apps, allowing users to experience and engage with your protocol without leaving their favorite platforms.

Start using Sherry now

Ready to accelerate your protocol's growth and engagement?

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